Friday, May 15, 2009

Holy Heck

6 kids, 4 of which were good friends, were suspended because of Weed.

I won't say names, so I'll use their initials.

D.D. (boy, not surprised he got caught)
A.P. (girl, she should NOT have even been a part of this. She hates that her boyfriend smokes. Why she is still with him? I dunno. Especially since he got her suspended)
J.K. (boy, not surprised he got caught either)
I.R. (boy, knew he smoked, but did't really expect it from him)
I.B. (boy. Expected it from him, he's already been in Juvy.)
A.H. (girl, She gets in trouble, but not for this kinda stuff.)

I.R. and I.B. aren't very good friends. But I know them pretty well.

I.B. sold the Weed to J.K.. He then gave it to D.D., they and I.R. went and smoked some of it.
A.P., J.K.'s girlfriend, took it away from D.D. and was gonna dispose of it. But A.P. got caught with it, and A.H. was with her.

A.P. wasn't gonna get in trouble for it, because she's a good kid but has not so great friends.
So she told the officer at school that she was holding it for D.D. and J.K., so they called them in. Then it went down the line till all were caught.

One of them is getting suspended for the rest of the year(21 more days) and the others are just suspended for 9 days. I dunno which ones got what.
But NONE of them can get promoted with their class. They have to have their papers mailed to them.

We all knew someone was gonna get caught, but no one ever expected to see so many take the fall.

Maybe it'll make them realize that they made horrible decisions.

It really makes me sad that us kids have to deal with this. And it's scares me because a LOT of my friends do it. And I don't want them to do it, and I don't want to see them get in trouble.